Alcohol Interventions: When Are They Needed?

alcohol interventions

Watching a loved one struggle with alcohol addiction can be heartbreaking. It may feel like you’re losing them as they become increasingly withdrawn and secretive. You want to help, but don’t know where to start. In situations like these, a structured intervention may be the best way to encourage your loved one to seek treatment.

What Is an Alcohol Intervention?

Interventions are a chance to express your compassion and support in a nonjudgmental way. They provide a respectful way to tell your loved one about your concerns for their physical and mental wellness.

Here are some possible warning signs that an alcohol intervention may be necessary.

  • You notice alarming changes in their behavior, such as missing work, neglecting responsibilities, or taking increasingly dangerous risks.
  • They refuse to acknowledge the impact of their drinking on their health, relationships, or overall well-being.
  • Previous attempts to begin a constructive conversation have not been successful.

5 Steps to Planning an Alcohol Intervention

A successful intervention requires careful planning and coordination. Here are five essential steps to ensure the process is thoughtful and deliberate.

1. Identify a Treatment Center

Before you plan the intervention, it is wise to have an alcohol rehab facility already selected and ready to admit your loved one if they agree to seek help. Take time to research treatment options that offer a therapeutic approach suited to your loved one’s specific needs. Having a solution lined up allows you to act immediately if the intervention is successful.

2. Plan the Details

Unlike dramatic TV portrayals, real-life interventions involve careful planning. You’ll need to decide in advance who will attend, where the meeting will take place, and what time of day to hold it. Consider the environment – choose a private, quiet space where your loved one will feel comfortable. You should also decide where everyone will sit and how the meeting will flow.

3. Write Your Remarks

One of the most critical steps in preparing for an intervention is writing and rehearsing what you will say. While it may feel more genuine to speak directly from your heart, an intervention is not the time to improvise. Emotions can run high, and without careful preparation, your words might unintentionally hurt or alienate your loved one.

When writing your remarks, focus on using “I” statements to express concern without blame or judgment. For example, you could say, “I’m worried about how your drinking is affecting your health,” or “It scares me to see you blacking out. I care about your safety and want to help you get better.” Providing specific examples of how their behavior has impacted you can make your message more powerful.

4. Consider Hiring Professional Help

You may want to hire an experienced interventionist for the best chance of success. As a neutral third party, this professional can help you plan the meeting, keep the conversation on track, and mediate if emotions begin to escalate. Their expertise can be invaluable in ensuring the intervention remains productive and focused on getting your loved one the help they need.

5. Don’t Give Up

Sometimes, even the best-laid plans don’t produce the desired outcome. You might need to give your loved additional space to process what they heard and felt during the meeting. It could take time for them to accept the idea of entering residential treatment or making significant lifestyle changes.

If the first intervention doesn’t succeed, keep reminding your loved one that you care about them and only want what’s best for their well-being. Maintaining open lines of communication can provide ongoing encouragement as they consider their options.

How to Move Forward After an Intervention

An alcohol intervention can be a life-changing experience for a person with substance use disorder and their friends and family. Even if the initial intervention doesn’t result in immediate action, it plants the seed for future change.

At NEM Recovery, we understand how frightening and demoralizing it can be to watch a loved one struggle with alcohol addiction. Our compassionate team is here to welcome your loved one when they are ready to begin their recovery. Unmatched standards of care and authentic experiences are at the heart of our treatment philosophy. We have built a beautiful, private sanctuary in Laguna Beach that provides the ideal environment for healing. Connect with us today to discover how we can help you and someone you care about.